今年以来,嵩明县嵩阳镇党委在“三个代表”学习教育活动中,把办好实事,让老百姓满意作为检验学习效果的一个重要标准,促进了农村的改革、稳定和发展。 “为政之道在于安民” 嵩阳镇地处县城近郊,外来人员复杂,偷盗、抢窃等社会治安问题曾多次发生,群众缺乏安全感。针对问题,镇党委果断采取措施,从春节前至2月
Since the beginning of this year, Songyang County Party Committee of Songming County has played an important role in verifying the learning effect in promoting the reform, stability and development of the rural areas in conducting “three represents” study and education activities. “Rule of ethics lies in Anmin ” Songyang town is located in the outskirts of the county seat, outsiders complex, theft, robbery and other social security problems have occurred many times, the public lack of security. In response to the issue, the town Party committee decisively take measures, from before the Spring Festival to February