Twenty five years ago, when the issue of heritage was increasingly watched and valued by all countries in the world, as an ancient country with a history of 5,000 years, China adhered to the international trend and joined the Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, The solemn promise of proper protection of the world heritage in China for all humanity. Over the ensuing 25 years, China has actively participated in the protection of international cultural and natural heritage and has declared its world heritage as an inherited power that has 40 cultural and natural heritages. 25 years, which is negligible for a large and historic power, but undoubtedly the most important course for the recognition, protection and development of Chinese heritage. It “helps our compatriots to reopen their eyes and see colleagues in the world. It also enlightens us how to understand the heritage, enjoy the heritage, protect and make rational use of the heritage.”