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于文江,1963年生于山东牟平。1984年毕业于山东师范大学艺术系。1988年深造于中央美术学院国画系。作品参加第六、七、八、九、十、十一届全国美展并获奖。作品获中国当代工笔山水画大展一等奖、纪念毛泽东同志在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话发表50周年全国美展银奖、中国工笔画大展金奖等。被中国文联、中国美协评为“中国画坛百杰”称号。出版有《当代中国画精品集——于文江》、《名家逸品——于文江》等。现为中国国家画院专职画家、创作研究部副主任兼人物画研究室主任,国家画院艺委会委员,文化部优秀专家,国家一级美术师,中国美术家协会会员,中国艺术研究院特聘专家,中国现代工笔画院副院长。 Yu Wenjiang, born in 1963 in Shandong Muping. In 1984 graduated from Shandong Normal University Art Department. 1988 in the Central Academy of Fine ArtsDepartment of Chinese painting. Works in the sixth, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven national art exhibition and award. Works won the first prize of Contemporary Chinese Contemporary Landscape painting, commemorating the 50th Anniversary of Comrade Mao Zedong’s Speech at the Yanan Forum on Literature and Art Silver Award, the Chinese painting strokes Gold Award. By the China Federation of Literature, China Association for the United States as “Chinese painting Bai Jie ” title. He has published “Contemporary Chinese Painting Collection - Yu Wenjiang”, “Famous Commodities - Yu Wenjiang” and so on. He is currently a full-time painter of China National Painting Academy, deputy director of Creative Research Department and director of the portrait painting laboratory, member of the State Art Academy Art Committee, outstanding expert of the Ministry of Culture, artist at the national level, member of Chinese Artists Association, , Deputy director of China’s modern fine art school.
张执浩  废园所见  南瓜藤爬到处暑后就不肯再往前走了  肥厚的叶片上长满了白毛  这朵南瓜花快蔫了  那朵正在兴头上  南瓜举着拳头  誓言今生又白活了  而
  自铁(Fe)作为农作物中必需的一种微量元素在1844年被GrisE 发现以来的150多年时间,对农作物微量元素的研究与应用取得了丰硕的成果;对铁、锰、硼、锌、铜、钼等微量元素
高凯  木耳  自己省去了眼睛  不看  自己省去了嘴巴  不说  自己还省去了一个翘翘的鼻子  讨厌香气扑鼻  木耳只留下一只耳朵  木耳只想在清水里绽放  
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鲁若迪基  一个山民的话  这个世界真怪  不知不觉  雪山上的雪只有一撮箕了  一座座山被掏空了  一条条江被拦腰斩断了  那都是些什么人啊  他们让地球生病
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电影演员李佳夫妇接受英达的电视采访。李佳深情地讲了一段故事:有次她从外地拍片回来,丈夫到机场去接她,因为匆忙没有准备鲜花,便在高架路上停下车来,翻到围 Film actress