今年以来,无论是中央还是地方,无论官员、企业人士还是经济学者,谈论频率最高的一个词恐怕就是“确保”了。朱镕基总理说,今年全国要确保GDP增长8%,广东省委书记李长春说,广东要确保增长10%,深圳市委书记张高丽说,深圳要确保增长14%。现在上半年过去了,深圳市统计信息局的权威统计数字表明。深圳上半年GDP增长了14%。 这个结果似乎可以让深圳市的领导和百姓们大大喘一口气了。然而,我们得到的最新信息是,党中央、国务院领导同志希望走在全国前列的深圳搞得再快一些,因为深圳不仅是从自身的发展来说“确保”,更要从全国和国际的角度来看“确保”。
This year, both central and local governments, whether officials, business people or economists, talk about the word with the highest frequency is probably “sure”. Premier Zhu Rongji said that this year the country must ensure an 8% GDP growth. Guangdong Provincial Party Secretary Li Changchun said that Guangdong should ensure a 10% increase. Shenzhen Party Secretary Zhang Gaoli said that Shenzhen should ensure a 14% increase. Now the first half of the year passed, Shenzhen Statistics Authority said the authoritative statistics. Shenzhen’s GDP grew 14% in the first half of the year. This result seems to allow the leaders and people in Shenzhen to breathe a great breath. However, the latest message we have is that the leading comrades of the Party Central Committee and the State Council want to go faster in Shenzhen, which is at the forefront of the whole country. This is because Shenzhen not only “ensures” its own development, but also from a national and international perspective Look at “sure.”