Comparison of flow shear stress and energy expenditure between sand-and gravel-bed rivers and some g

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Based on data from more than 100 alluvial rivers, a systematic comparison of flow shear stress and energy expenditure has been made between sand- and gravel-bed rivers, by plotting the relationships between channel shape (i.e. channel width-depth ratio) and hydraulic indices in a two-dimensional plane. These relationships show clearly that the four channel patterns, i.e. sand-bed meandering, sand-bed braided, gravel-bed meandering and gravel-bed braided, are located in 4 different areas that can be divided by 2 straight lines. Based on data from more than 100 alluvial rivers, a systematic comparison of flow shear stress and energy expenditure has been made between sand- and gravel-bed rivers, by plotting the relationships between channel shape (ie channel width-depth ratio) and hydraulic indices in a two-dimensional plane. These relationships show clearly that the four channel patterns, ie sand-bed meandering, sand-bed braided, gravel-bed meandering and gravel-bed braided, are located in 4 different areas that can be divided by 2 straight lines.
历时两天的国际田联全能挑战赛第一站2003年5月11日在意大利的德森扎诺结束,哈萨克斯坦的卡尔 The first day of the two-day IAAF Almighty Challenge ended on Dec 11, 2
亚 亚比克斯 哥尼俄比加加斯亚牙罗加兰家国西国马塞桑典买买罗尼班俄买克国国国美墨美罗埃莫瑞牙牙俄肯西白牙乌美美顺序姓名琼斯奎瓦拉德弗斯萨博阿德列穆托拉贝格奎斯特福
徐继忠 ,男 ,196 4年生 ,河北省滦南县人。 1983年毕业于河北农业大学园艺系果树专业 ,获学士学位 ,1987年在河北农业大学果树专业获硕士学位 ,1998年在华中农业大学果树专业
台湾相思(Acacia confusa)原产我国,是我国东南沿海地区良好的防护林及绿化树种,又是水土保持的优良树种。大叶相思(A.auriculiformis)原产巴布亚新几内亚的稀树草原、托里