在过去十年中肝素的临床应用明显增加,文献报道用小剂量肝素可预防及治疗血栓栓塞性疾病的发生,目前在美国许多医院已常规给病人应用小剂量肝素(不超过15000 u/d)。大多数医生井惕肝素可引起血小板减少症及皮肤坏死而忽略还有其他并发症,本文报告4例用小剂量肝素引起的高钾血症,并举一例为证。 51岁男性,患有糖尿病因右足感染入院。入院时
The clinical application of heparin has been significantly increased in the past decade. Low dose heparin is reported in the literature to prevent and treat thromboembolic diseases. At present, many hospitals in the United States routinely administer low-dose heparin (no more than 15000 u / d) . Most doctors caution hepate cause thrombocytopenia and skin necrosis and neglect there are other complications, this paper reports 4 cases of low-dose heparin-induced hyperkalemia, and give an example as evidence. 51-year-old man with diabetes who is hospitalized for right-foot infection. At admission