完全开放的网络化组织形式、过三关拔五寨的激烈竞争、强调实践动手真功夫的比拼,这些令正在举行的第三届“和讯杯”全国大学生电脑网络大赛很有几分“网络论剑”的豪情。 与以往赛事不同,本届由共青团中央、全国学联、信息产业部、文化部和中央电视台五家单位主办的电脑网络大赛将整个赛事放到了和讯网(123.homeway.com.cn)上,报名、提交作品都是通过网络进行,成为首个面向所有大学生开放的全国性赛事。
Completely open form of networked organizations, over three off the fierce competition in Wuzhai, emphasizing the practice of real kung fu competition, which is being held in the third “HeXin Cup” national college computer network contest is somewhat “network theory Sword ”pride. Different from previous events, the current competition organized by the Communist Youth League Central Committee, the National Federation of Students, the Ministry of Information Industry, the Ministry of Culture and CCTV’s five units hosted the entire competition on Hexun.com (123.homeway.com.cn) Registration, submission of works are conducted through the Internet, becoming the first national competition open to all college students.