Susan Sleeper-Smith,eds.,Rethinking the Fur Trade:Cultures of Exchange in an Atlantic World,Lincoln:University of Nebraska Press,2009,lxii+638 pp.毛皮贸易是一种攫取自然资源的经济活动。近代毛皮贸易对北美历史的发展产生了重要的影响,一些学者甚至认为是海狸打开了加拿大的版图。有关毛皮贸易的论述最早分散存在于耶稣会传教士日志、毛皮贸易公司档案、毛皮商人书信之中,大多仅是对毛皮贸易活动的简单记录。20世
Susan Sleeper-Smith, eds., Rethinking the Fur Trade: Cultures of Exchange in an Atlantic World, Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2009, lxii + 638 pp. Fur trade is an economic activity that captures natural resources. Modern fur trade had an important influence on the history of North America. Some scholars even thought that the beaver opened the territory of Canada. The earliest accounts of the fur trade were scattered in the Jesuit missionaries ’logs, the fur trade company archives, the fur traders’ letters, mostly just a simple record of trade in fur. 20th Century