Influence of Traditional Chinese Culture on the implementation of Communicative Language Teaching i

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  【Abstract】Since the 1980s,Chinese government promotes actively Communicative Language Teaching(CLT).But due to influence of traditional Chinese culture,teachers and learners have some difficulties in implementing the approach,especially private higher vocational college.The paper is to explore in what aspects of traditional Chinese culture influence the implementation of CLT.
  【Keywords】traditional Chinese culture; Confucian culture; Communicative Language Teaching; influence; private higher vocational college
  Since the reform and opening up,Chinese government attaches great importance to English language teaching(ELT)so that New teaching approach from western countries,CLT has been actively introduced.
  However,due to the influence of traditional Chinese culture, teachers and learners meet lots of new difficulties,including classroom activities designed by teachers and passivity of learners,when trying to implement CLT,especially private higher vocational college in China.
  This paper explores in what aspects of traditional Chinese culture affect the implementation of CLT.
  2.Definition of Communicative Language Teaching
  As is clear CLT is interpreted in diverse ways by different people.So far,there is not an authoritative definition of CLT.However,researcher seem to agree that the main features of CLT include the following three aspects.
  First,the core content of CLT is about cultivating ability of language use.Second,The purpose of CLT is to improve communicative competence.Third,CLT emphasizes autonomic learning of learners.
  In addition,CLT is an approach rather than method.Compared with Audio Lingual,CLT has not a set of procedures to be followed regardless of context.( Huang,2007)
  3.Definition of traditional Chinese culture
  Traditional Chinese culture is considered as broad and profound national culture with Chinese characteristics,which consist of five aspects including religious ideas,moral system,achievement of literature and art,language form and cultural books.Gu (2006: 169-190)thinks traditional education should be part of traditional Chinese culture,and it has been shaped by traditional Chinese culture.The Confucian culture is regarded as the center of traditional Chinese culture.Educational values such as what teachers need to teach and how teacher teach come from Confucianism.The traditional education of China has carried forward Confucian culture.   4.Influence of traditional Chinese culture on educational beliefs
  In the following paragraphs,the paper will explain effect of traditional Chinese culture on educational beliefs in terms of four aspects including attitudes to knowledge,learning ideas,role of teacher and learners and teaching assessment.
  4.1 Influence of traditional Chinese culture on attitudes to knowledge
  Traditional Chinese culture has influence on teachers and learners’ attitudes to knowledge.Ballard and Clanchy ( 1991: 13)proposes there are two different types of attitudes to knowledge in all cultures and societies,including “attitudes to knowledge which emphasize the conservation of knowledge and attitudes which emphasize its extension”.
  In the private higher vocational college,teachers and learners’ attitudes to knowledge affected by traditional Chinese culture.Because the Confucius is considered as representative of Confucianism,Confucianism has become the rule of feudalism thoughts since Han Dynasty.Writings and words of Confucius are the basis for traditional Chinese culture.In the Analects of Confucius,“shu er bu zuo,xing er hao gu” means Confucius emphasizes respecting and inheriting ancestor’s theory rather than creating new theory,and Confucius believes ancestor and likes ancient cultural books.(Wang,2008)Although Confucius reinterpret the ancient cultural books,he think reviewing and understanding old knowledge is the basis of developing new knowledge.It show Confucius emphasizes the conservation of knowledge,which have a great influence on teachers and learners’ attitudes to knowledge in private higher vocational college.These teachers pay more attention to transmission of knowledge,but they omit cultivating capacity for innovation.Compared with developing new knowledge,learners also pay more attention to accumulation of knowledge.For ELT,teachers and learners emphasizes importance of English language basic knowledge such as vocabulary and grammar rather than ability of language use.
  By contrast,CLT emphasizes language use as creative.Chomsky (1957)points out that standard structural theories of language” do not explain the“creativity”and“uniquenes” of individual sentences.Chomsky’s idea let British linguists pay more attention to“the functional and communicative potential of language”.Finocchiaro and Brumfit (1983)find out differences between the Audiolingual Method and the Communicative Approach.They think“Language is created by the individual,often through trial and error”.All of these,suggest that Communicative Language Teaching sees not only conservation and accumulation of language basic knowledge but also language use as creative.Hence,if teachers and learners need to use CLT,their priority should be extending knowledge.   4.2 Influence of traditional Chinese culture on learning ideas
  Traditional Chinese culture affects not only attitudes to knowledge,but also learning ideas.
  Due to influence of traditional Chinese culture,teachers and learners in the higher vocational college in China think learning process include two steps: the first step is about learning knowledge,the second step is about strengthening and using knowledge learners have learnt through practice.In the Chinese language culture,learning (xue xi)is considered as compound word.Confucius is the first person who put learning (xue)and practice (xi)together.For example,in the Analects of Confucius,“xue er shi xi zhi,bu yi yue hu”means learners often study (xue)and practice(xi)all what they have learned,is it not pleasant? (Wang,2008)The sentence show Confucius think there are two steps in the learning process.The first step is about learning (xue)skill and knowledge through listening,observing,imitation and reciting.The second step is about practice ( xi),it means learners should apply knowledge they have learnt in practice.
  Krashen’s language acquisition theory is compatible with the Communicative Approach.Krashen think acquisition is different from learning.Acquisition means learners improve target language unconsciously and spontaneously through using in real environment,which ‘fits’ the principles of CLT.Learning means learners know grammatical knowledge consciously under the teacher’s guidance,which can not lead to acquisition.(Richards
【Abstract】Since English became a compulsory subject for Chinese college students in 1986,English learning and speaking has been popular in Chinese universities.Under this background,Chinese college st
【摘要】大学英语课堂中师生互为交流表达思想,彼此之间必然出现表达理解与否或理解程度的语言。合理、恰当、有效的使用理解语能够很好的链接、支撑交流的开展进行。  【关键词】大学英语 课堂互动 理解语  大学英语课堂教学中,对教学内容的教学与理解分析,师生双方都会出现一些表达理解的语言。这些理解语有很多的表达方式,语言简洁明了,简单易懂。本文搜罗了常见的一些课堂理解语,并结合自身的教学体会,从教师与学生
【摘要】作为高等教育的重要组成部分,高等职业技术学院的目标是为社会培养应用型人才。而高职英语教学的目的是培养学生的英语应用能力,这就离不开学生的自主学习。而学生的自我效能感,是影响他们的自主学习的关键因素,它能激发和调节其自主学习。  【关键词】高职学生 英语 自主学习 自我效能感  一、引言  现在的中国有着为数最多的英语学习者。由于英语水平已经被视为是个人能力的基本组成部分之一,因此如何更有效
【摘要】新课程标准下,把学生的自主学习能力的培养作为主要的教学目标之一。如何提高学生的自主学习能力,笔者认为课前预习是关键。本文提出精心设计预习任务、指导学生有效预习,为学生提供自主学习的舞台的论点,以及简单谈谈自己的实践经验和做法,以飨共享。  【关键词】初中英语 预习 自主学习  学生的自主学习、合作探究是新一轮课程标准的中心和重心,“以学生为主体”的理念是新课改的基本思想,培养学生的预习习惯
在全球经济迅速发展的当下,英语作为世界第一通用语言被人们广泛应用。在许多国家中,英语教育更是被作为公民素质教育的重要组成部分,我国目前也将英语作为重点学科进行教学。而创新教学是当代教学中必不可少的一部分。本文针对初中牛津英语教学如何创新进行简单探讨。  一、如何使课文教学更加直观、简明扼要  简明扼要的教学方式会让学生直观的了解知识点,从而快速而有逻辑性的掌握知识。考虑到这一方面,我们就可以选择使
【摘要】二十世纪九十年代美国反智电影《阿甘正传》在票房上取得了巨大成功,人们不禁想到影片成功的原因,它映射出美国的文化,美国人的信念。一个平凡人最终成为一位真正的英雄,却不同于史诗中传统的英雄形象,阿甘通过“奔跑”阴差阳错的完成了很多他意想不到的事情,他最后的成功以及他的行为是对英雄主义的重新界定,能够正视自己的缺点,缺陷才是真正的英雄。  【关键词】平凡人 英雄 英雄主义  一、引言  上世纪九
【Abstract】Cultural identity has long been a heatedly-discussed topic not only in people’s ordinary lives but also in literary works.With the guidance of the related interpretations made by previous sc
【摘要】设计教学目标是有效课堂的关键环节。在英语教学中,教师应兼顾学生的差异性,突出学生的主体地位,设计出有层次的、具体的且易于操作的教学目标,从而提高课堂效率。本文分析了河南省第十二届英语组教学技能大赛参赛选手的教学目标,发现这些设计未能体现学生的主体地位、层次性不明确、过于笼统、宽泛。基于以上问题,笔者提出相应的建议:学会移情、分层教学、搭建支架。  【关键词】教学目标 英语教学 技能大赛