The “Filedbus” field bus is the standard for communication between international IEC (Electrotechnical Commission) since 1985 to develop international intelligent field devices and control room automation devices. Fieldbus is a digital, two-way transmission, multi-branch communication network that connects intelligent field devices and automation systems. It is a fully digital, multi-station bus-based system for intelligent field devices and microprocessor-based control room automation systems The bidirectional multi-information digital communication protocol is a public protocol that operates with each other and data is shared. The current field bus used are: AnyBus, CAN, Profibus, Fieldbus, WorldFIP, P-NET, LonWorks, Interbus, DNET, CNET, Lightbus, Modbus, CC-LINK, EIB and so on. The American Echelon Company has developed LonWorks control network technology, this open agreement, has provided the condition for the realization of the intelligent building system integration. The magazine interviewed Mr. Cai Zi Yao, general manager of Greater China, Echelon Corporation, introduced LonWorks control network technology.