Current status and future directions in the treatment of multiple mveloma

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Multiple myeloma(MM),a malignancy of clonalplasma cells,is characterized by proliferation andaccumulation of abnormal plasmacytes in bone marrow,monoclonal immunoglobulin or its fragment secretions(M-protein)in serum or urine and concomitant extensiveosteolytic lesions and/or osteoporosis,anemia,infectionor renal dysfunction.The incidence rate of MM hasgradually increased in recent years.Traditionalchemotherapy results in median survival duration of nomore than three years,a 25% five-year survival rate and aten-year survival rate of less than 5%.It remains anincurable disease and particularly threatens the health ofmiddle-aged and old-aged people.With the recent studieson biologic characteristics,intracellular signaltransduction pathways and bone marrow micro-environment and their interactions,there emerged newdrugs that have resulted in progress in the treatment ofMM,which are sununarized as follows. Multiple myeloma (MM), a malignancy of clonalplasma cells, is characterized by proliferation and accumulation of abnormal plasmacytes in bone marrow, monoclonal immunoglobulin or its fragment secretions (M-protein) in serum or urine and concomitant extensiveosteolytic lesions and / or osteoporosis, anemia, infectionor renal dysfunction.The incidence rate of MM hasgradually increased in recent years.Traditionalchemotherapy results in median survival duration of nomore than three years, a 25% five-year survival rate and aten-year survival rate of less than 5% .It remains anincurable disease and particularly threatens the health of mid-aged and old-aged people. W. the recent studies on biologic characteristics, intracellular signal transduction pathways and bone marrow micro-environment and their interactions, there emerging new drugs that that resulted in progress in the treatment of MM, which are sununarized as follows.
看电影《情人结》,7年前的电影,心中对它的期待一直没变。电影中的政治背景,导演淡淡地铺陈,不去点破。两家人把上一代的纠葛移嫁到下一代人的爱情上。这题材其实不新,或者说那个刚刚过去的年代里,中国有很多的年轻人都在经历这种折磨人的爱,但导演霍建起在细节处却处处用心,文艺功夫扎实,现实中的平凡人物在影片里也在发光。  今天的年轻人,在感情上依然还会受到来自于家庭的牵制。有的因为父辈之间的纠葛,也有的因为
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物理实验在中学阶段物理学习中具有不可或缺的地位,在这一重要领域,物理教师如何发挥其主导地位就显得异常重要。本文就物理教师在物理实验中应处的角色进行了探讨。 Physic