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著名经济学家张维迎日前认为,健康企业的管理层会将精力集中在为企业获取货币收益上,而不健康企业的管理层则会把注意力集中在权力收益上,也就是内耗。中国的民营企业大体上有三类。一类是家族式的民营企业,像四川的希望集团、温州的正泰集团;第二类是朋友式的民营企业,如北京的万通集团;第三类就是国有民营企业,典型的像北京的联想集团、方正集团。这些民营企业面临的共同问题,就是权力分配与人才。可以说,这两点决定着企业能不能持续成长,能不能变大变强。我们好多民营企业最后垮掉,并不因为外在的因素,而是因为内部权力的争斗。这种现象的本质是“元老”问题,“元老”们争的是权力,而它的实质又是产权问题。在这方面,联想集团的做法值得推崇,它不仅适用于民营企业,对国有企业也是有用的。我们知道收益有两种:货币收益与权力收益。而人的精 Well-known economist Zhang Weiying recently thought that the management of a healthy enterprise will focus on gaining monetary benefits for the enterprise, while the management of an unhealthy enterprise will focus on the return on power, which is internal friction. There are basically three types of private enterprises in China. One is the family-run private enterprises, such as Hope Group in Sichuan, Wenzhou Chint Group; the second is a friend-type private enterprises, such as Wantong Group in Beijing; the third category is the state-owned private enterprises, typically like Beijing Lenovo, Founder Group. The common problem these private enterprises face is the distribution of power and talent. It can be said that these two points determine whether the business can continue to grow, can not become bigger and stronger. Many of our private-owned enterprises finally collapsed, not because of external factors, but because of internal power struggle. The essence of this phenomenon is the “veteran” issue. The “elders” struggle for power, and its essence is the property right issue. In this regard, Lenovo's approach is worthy of praise, which is not only applicable to private enterprises, but also useful to state-owned enterprises. We know that there are two kinds of benefits: money income and power income. And human essence
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本文尝试对道家中的名家学派所涉及的某些辩题作出粗略的数学解读,并揭示其对于中国古代数学进展的影响。 This article tries to make a rough mathematical interpretatio
第一册 一、教育要点 1.通过《热爱共产党》、《我爱中华人民共和国》看图学词学句等课的教学,使学生知道中国共产党一心想着人民,为人民谋幸福;知道北京是我国的首都,天安
如今,越来越多的人喜欢上了极限运动,惊险、刺激。滑板项目可谓是极限运动的鼻祖,20世纪50年代末60年代初,由冲浪运动演变而成的滑板运动,如今已成为地球上最“酷”的运动之一。许多项目均由滑板项目衍生而来。  传统的滑板由一块踏板安上4个轮子组成。不过,滑板到了具有创新精神的发明家手上,就变得“猴子戴礼帽——与众不同”了!  滑板是一种非常受年轻人欢迎的运动项目,有些人甚至用滑板来代替传统的交通工具