当前,公安机关加快了体制改革步伐,努力实现由数量规模型向质量效能型、由人力密集型向科技密集型的转变。在这场意义深刻的变革中,公安信息通信工作究竟处在怎样的地位,发挥什么样的作用? 一、公安信息通信工作性质及其任务 我们这里所说的公安信息,是指将公安各业务部门的基本情况、业务流程以及社会治安各方面的情况经过需求分析、信息处理等过程转化成的计算机数据。通信是信息通道、端接
At present, the public security organs have accelerated the pace of structural reform and strive to achieve the transformation from a quantity-scale type to a mass-efficiency-type and from a manpower-intensive type to a technology-intensive type. In this profound transformation, what kind of role does the public security information and communication work in exactly? What is the role of public security and information communication? The nature and tasks of the public security information and communication work. The public security information we refer to refers to all the public security operations Department of the basic situation, business processes and social security in all aspects of the situation through needs analysis, information processing and other processes into computer data. Communication is information channel, termination