加强党对思想政治工作的领导,应主要抓好如下几点: 一、抓认识到位 目前,在各级领导干部中把思想政治工作当成软任务的大有人在。有的人嘴上讲思想政治工作重要,做起来却把思想政治工作扔在一边,研究经济工作和行政工作头头是道,研究思想政治工作只言片语;有的人不愿做或不会做思想政治工作,
To strengthen the party’s leadership over ideological and political work, we should focus mainly on the following points: First, we must recognize the importance Currently, among the leading cadres at all levels, there are many who regard ideological and political work as a soft task. Some people talk about the importance of ideological and political work. When they do that, they throw aside the ideological and political work. The study of economic and administrative work is the first and only way to study ideological and political work. Some people do not want to do or do not do ideological and political work,