【摘 要】
To exhibit the most important archaeological achievements obtained in 2002, and to promote academic exchange, the Archaeology Publications of Institute of Archaeology, CASS, organized and held the "Academic Lecture of New Archaeological Discoveries in Chi
To exhibit the most important archaeological achievements obtained in 2002, and to promote academic exchange, the Archaeology Publications of Institute of Archaeology, CASS, organized and held the "Academic Lecture of New Archaeological Discoveries in China during 2002" in Beijing on 17 January, 2003. The lecturers reported and discussed the following six important archaeological discoveries: the Neolithic Luotuodun site in Jiangsu Yixing; the Shang period Huanbei city-site in Henan Anyang; the Jiuliandun tombs of the Chu State in Hubei Zaoyang; the Liye city-site of the Warring States, Qin and Han periods and the inscribed slips and tablets of the Qin Dynasty discovered in Hunan Longshan; the ruined Changhemen gate of the Northern Wei period palace-city in the Han-Wei city of Luoyang, Henan; and the wine-brewing workshop site at Lidu in Jiangxi Jinxian. The meeting reflects the newest advances of Chinese archaeology and promotes the development of the archaeological cause in China and the deepening of related academic studies.
春天是放风筝的好时节。形形色色的风筝不仅是人们消遣娱乐的玩具,而且还是用于空间探索和科学实验的工具。 载人尝试 据说古代日本曾有人成功地进行了一次风筝载人的尝试。当时在名古屋城堡顶上有两条金铸的鱼,由城堡主派重兵守护着。但是,一个垂涎已久的强盗却趁着夜深人静时坐进一只缚在大风筝尾端的吊篮里,让同伙放起风筝,神不知鬼不觉地上了城堡顶,偷剥下许多金鳞片后逃之夭夭。 1877年后,载人风筝开始在世
The mis
有时我们见到一个看不懂的词语,经常会望文生义,根据字面的意思瞎猜,结果往往弄出许多笑话来。看看,下面这些词语就出现了一些稀奇古怪的解释—— 度日如年:日子非常好过,每天像过年一样。 语重心长:别人话讲得重了,心里怀恨很长时间。 有机可乘:外出旅游有飞机可以乘坐。 不学无术:不要白费工夫学那些不实用的东西。 重男轻女:男人干重活,女人干轻活。 别开生面:不要和不认识的人开玩笑。 饱
这zhè是shì一yī件jiàn发fā生shēnɡ在zài墨mò西xī哥ɡē和hé洪hónɡ都dōu拉lā斯sī的de事shì。 收shōu获huò的de季jì节jié快kuài到dào了le,可kě就jiù在zài这zhè时shí,庄zhuānɡ稼jiɑ的de天tiān敌dí——老lǎo鼠shǔ成chénɡ群qún结jié队duì地de来lái了le,它tā们men在zài地dì里li四sì处