自从2002年12月第一次年会后,主 办方总是希望企业家们“不是在参加中 国企业领袖年会,就是在去往年会的路 上。”但每年都有缺席者,这多少折射出 了一个个商人人生际遇的变化、商海的 沉浮。 2004年参加年会的顾雏军和郑俊 怀官司缠身,失去了人身自由,注定不 能参加2005年会。顾雏军仍在看守所等 待审判,郑俊怀在2005年12月22日在 包头受审,有报道推测,郑俊怀可能“获
Since the first annual meeting in December 2002, the organizers have always hoped entrepreneurs will “not be attending the annual meeting of Chinese business leaders, or going to the convention.” However, there are absentees each year, which reflects how much One by one business life changes, the ups and downs of the sea. Gu Chujun and Zheng Junhuai, who participated in the annual meeting in 2004, have lost their personal freedom and are destined not to attend the 2005 Annual Meeting. Gu Chu Jun is still in the detention center awaiting trial, Zheng Junhuai December 22, 2005 trial in Baotou, there are reports speculated that Zheng Junhuai may "get