一九八六年成人高校的招生工作,采用了全国统考方式,但在考生填报志愿时,却规定了只准填报一个学校,这就带来几个问题: 首先考生思想紧张,唯恐填错了,考得不够好,录取不了。第二是导致有的学校录取分数线很高,有的则较低而且不满额,开不了班。第三是使一部分考生够录取分数线,但没有学上。今年某区职工大学就有二、三十名够分数线的考生没有学上,而同一楼里的电视大学工作站,却因名额不满
In 1986, the enrollment of adult colleges and universities has adopted the national examination system. However, when the candidates fill in their own volition, they only stipulate that only one school should be filled in. This raises several questions: First, the candidates are nervous and afraid to make mistakes , The test is not good enough, can not be admitted. The second is that some schools lead to admission scores high, while others are low and not full, can not open classes. The third is to make some candidates enough admission scores, but did not learn. This year, there were 20 or 30 candidates in a district staff university who did not have enough grades to attend. However, the TV University workstations in the same building were dissatisfied with the quota