由龚育之、金冲及、郑惠、张海鹏等担任主编,中央党史研究室、中央文献研究室、中央党校等单位的百余位专家经四年精心编纂而成的《中国二十世纪通鉴》,已由线装书局出版。该书记述了20世纪一百年中国疆域内有关政治、经济、军事、外交、思想、文化、教育、科技、艺术、体育、卫生、民族、宗教、环境、灾害、区划变更、社会生活等方面的重要事件和重要人物活动,对香港、澳门和台湾地区及海外华侨、华人中发生的有重要影响的事务,也都有记载。全书1100多万字,共分20卷,每五年一卷,收入各种事件、信息、资料10万多条,并为500多名在历史上发挥过重要作用和有影响的人物写了简要评传。 该书出版座谈会于9月24日在北京人民大会堂举行。现将几位史学专家在会上的发言和评论摘要发表,以飨读者。
By Gong Yuzhi, Jin Chonghe, Zheng Hui, Zhang Haipeng and other served as editor of the Central Party History Research Center, the Central Literature Research Office, the Central Party School and other units of more than 100 experts elaborately compiled by the four years of “China Twentieth Century Pass ”, Has been published by the wire loading bookstore. The book chronicles the political, economic, military, diplomatic, ideological, cultural, educational, scientific and technological, artistic, sports, health, ethnic, religious, environmental, disaster, zoning, and social life issues in China within the 100 years of the 20th century. Important events and important personalities activities have also been recorded in matters that have a significant impact on Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese. The book contains more than 11 million words and is divided into 20 volumes. Every five years, volumes cover more than 100,000 events, information and materials, and more than 500 brief stories have been written about more than 500 historians who have played an important and influential role in history . The book publishing forum was held on September 24 in Beijing’s Great Hall of the People. Now a few historians in the conference speeches and comments summary published in order to readers.