荡潦罪恶的正义之歌热血英魂的悲壮史诗严打风暴的深度反思长治久安的真知灼见楔子 时光倒流回新旧世纪交替之际。 仿佛是在幸运女神的陪伴下,中国迈进了21世纪:国民经济的高速增长令全球惊叹,温饱社会正在迈向小康社会,世界贸易组织的大门被敲开,北京申奥成功,上海APEC会议举世瞩目……所有的一切都在宣告:中国,是新世纪的宠儿! 然而,在一片喜庆气氛中,隐隐飘荡着一丝令人不安的不和谐之音。经历了20多年的改革风雨后,中国的诸多体制革命已到了攻坚阶段,流动人口、失业人口急剧增加,对社会稳定构成了巨大压力;自私、冷漠、贪婪、失信等人性之丑,犹如
The song of righteousness, passionate, passionate, heroic, and soulful, epic, storming the depths of stormy memories The wisdom and wisdom of the long-term peace return to the occasion of the alternation of the old and the new century. As if accompanied by the goddess of fortune, China has entered the 21st century: the rapid growth of the national economy has marveled the world, the world is getting well fed by society, the door of the World Trade Organization has been knocked open, the successful bid to host the Olympic Games in Beijing and the Shanghai APEC meeting have attracted worldwide attention All that is proclaimed: China is the darling of the new century! However, in a festive atmosphere, there is a sense of disturbing dissonance. After more than 20 years of reforms and reforms, many structural revolutions in China have reached a crucial stage. The floating population and the unemployed population have risen sharply, putting tremendous pressure on social stability. Uberness, indifference, greed, dishonesty and other human ugliness are like