1 引言填写控制阀规格是完成设计、购买和制造任何一种过程控制系统的一个极为重要的组成部分。如果因规格填写不全或有差错而定错了控制阀,则调换控制阀会使用户和控制阀制造厂蒙受经济损失,往往还会不必要地延误工期。因此,许多大的控制阀用户和承包商已经自订了标准数据单,以便尽可能地消除对控制阀规格的许多误解。遗憾的是,大多数标准数据单都各不相同,使众多控制阀制造厂和转包商被多种控制阀数据单搞得晕头转向。2 目的
1 Introduction Filling in control valve specifications is an extremely important part of completing the design, buying and manufacturing of any kind of process control system. If the control valve is incorrectly entered due to incomplete specifications or errors, changing the control valve will result in economic loss to the user and control valve manufacturer and will often delay the construction period unnecessarily. As a result, many large control valve users and contractors have customized a standard data sheet to eliminate as many misunderstandings as possible about the control valve specifications. Unfortunately, most standard data sheets vary, leaving many control valve manufacturers and subcontractors confused with multiple control valve data sheets. 2 purpose