水性荨麻疹是一种极少见的皮肤病。最近我们见到一例。现报告如下: 患者女性,年龄24岁,工人。自诉1983年8月在35℃—40℃水中洗澡时,约6分钟后突然全身出现风团样皮疹,自觉剧烈搔痒,伴灼热感。经30分钟后皮疹达高峰,1小时后逐渐消退。皮疹以颈部、躯干、大腿内侧为甚。此后,每逢洗澡、洗衣服、海水浴时,接触水之部位均出现风团样皮疹。自觉皮疹与饮食、药物、情绪波动、冷热、暴露日光等无关。发病时亦无明显全身症状。
Water-based urticaria is a rare skin disease. We recently saw an example. The report is as follows: Patient Female, age 24, worker. Private prosecution in August 1983 at 35 ℃ -40 ℃ water bath, about 6 minutes after the sudden emergence of systemic wind-like rash, intense intense itching, with burning sensation. After 30 minutes the rash reached its peak, and gradually faded after 1 hour. Rash to the neck, trunk, thigh even more. Since then, whenever bathing, washing clothes, bathing, water contact with the site of the wind-like rash. Conscious rashes and diet, drugs, mood swings, hot and cold, exposure to sunlight has nothing to do. No obvious systemic symptoms at onset.