山东省威海市环翠区望岛村,位于威海市南10华里处,东依万吨级商业码头,南靠即将竣工的威海火车站,西毗巍峰群山,地处青威高速公路要冲,地理位置十分优越.过去的望岛村,由卢家疃、孟家疃、马家疃三个自然村组成,村中居民以卢、孟、马三姓居多,尚有孙、丛、王、于等姓。全村面积10平方公里,人口4800人。 望岛村过去以传统的农业生产为主,兼营菜园、渔业、果木工等副业,村中还有扎花等传统手工业。望岛村出产的“老望岛’牌菜刀在当地久负盛名。在以“老望岛”牌菜刀闻名于世的基础上,近几年,望岛村的现代经济得到了飞速发展,逐步形成了水产、果业、毛纺、造纸、化工、电器、建筑、食品、宾馆、商业等门类较全的工商业体系,成立了望岛工商联合总公司。1992年,全村工农业生产总值突破1.4亿,被威海市政府授予“小康村”的称号。1993年,工农业总产值又上一层楼,达到2.7亿元。
Wangdao Village, Huancui District, Weihai City, Shandong Province, is located at 10 Wuli Lane, South of Weihai City. According to the 10,000-ton commercial terminal in the east and Weihai Railway Station to be completed in the south, Weiwei Mountain in the west is located at the hub of Qingwei Highway , The location is extremely advantageous. Past Wang Dao village, byLu Jia 疃, Meng Jia 疃, Ma Jia 疃 three natural villages, village residents to Lu, Meng, Ma San surname is the most, there are Sun, Cong, Wang, In other surnames. The village covers an area of 10 square kilometers, population 4800 people. Wangdao village in the past to the traditional agricultural production-based, 兼营 vegetable garden, fisheries, fruit carpentry and other sidelines, the village there Zhahua and other traditional handicrafts. Wangdao Village produced “Old Hope Island” brand-name kitchen knives in the local prestigious.On the “Old Hope Island” brand-name knife known on the basis of the world, in recent years, Wang Village, the modern economy has been rapid development and gradually formed In 1992, the village’s total industrial and agricultural output exceeded 140 million yuan Was awarded the title of “Xiaokang Village” by the government of Weihai City.In 1993, the gross output value of industry and agriculture reached a new level, reaching 270 million yuan.