烟台市广大适龄公民踊跃参加义务植树运动,取得了累累硕果。1982年—1999年,全市参加义务植树运动的达4000多万人次,植树2亿多株,义务植树占到植树总量的90%以上。义务植树运动的开展,提高了全市人民的绿化意识和法治观念,促进了两个文明建设,为消灭荒山荒滩、绿化烟台大地做出了贡献。全民义务植树运动已成为推动烟台市造林绿化事业发展的主要力量。 一、理顺管理体制。 由于历史的原因,特别是全市基本实现消灭荒山
Yantai majority of age-appropriate citizens actively participate in volunteer tree planting campaign, has made great achievements. From 1982 to 1999, the whole city took part in the voluntary tree-planting campaign reaching more than 40 million person-times, planting more than 200 million trees and obligatory tree planting accounting for more than 90% of the total tree planting. Voluntary tree planting campaign carried out to raise awareness of the people of the city’s greening and the concept of the rule of law and promote the construction of two civilizations to contribute to the elimination of barren hills and wasteland, greening Yantai earth. Volunteer tree planting campaign has become a major force in promoting the development of afforestation in Yantai City. First, straighten out the management system. Due to historical reasons, especially the city basically eliminated the barren hills