时下,一稿多投,一稿多登,已成为文坛新“景点”。成为一种新的社会文化现象,越来越引起人们的普遍关注。随便翻开报纸、期刊,从国家级的到省级的,从市地级的到县级、厂级、乡级的,从日报到晚报、周报,从严肃的到通俗性质的,几乎都刊发过一稿多投的稿件。笔者经常去省图书馆,在楼上楼下5个报刊阅览室,浏览全国各地公开发行的报刊,天天都会碰见“熟人”——一稿多登的稿件。试举例说明之: 一篇《B超悲歌》,从计生委办的报刊,到法制类报刊,从教育系统的报刊,到金融行业的报刊等,至少出现了20多次,稿酬不薄,“悲歌”不悲,唱遍了全国:一
Nowadays, a manuscript has been voted on more than one draft and has become a new “attraction” in the literary world. Become a kind of new socio-cultural phenomenon, cause more and more people’s universal concern. Just open the newspapers, periodicals, from the national level to the provincial level, from the city level to the county level, factory level, township level, from daily to evening, weekly, from serious to popular nature, almost all Sent a manuscript more cast vote. I often went to the provincial library, upstairs and downstairs five newspaper reading room, browse the newspapers and magazines all over the country openly, met every day, “acquaintances” - manuscripts more than one manuscript. Trying to give an example: An article entitled “B-chameleon song” from the newspapers and periodicals run by the Family Planning Commission, the newspapers and periodicals of the legal system, newspapers and periodicals from the education system to the newspapers and periodicals in the financial industry has appeared at least 20 times. Elegy "not sad, sing all over the country: one