作为监控前端的高速球,能够提供快速定位、自动巡航、大范围监控的需要,满足了人们对监控的快捷需求。这期实测的主角——NCC-4608CR/26专业级室外悬挂智能D1网络高速球是专业监控厂商日安电子公司在06年底推出的快球力作,除了常备的智能快球功能外,采用了高效的32bit RISC ARM芯片,同时具有时尚动感的外观,其结构精密,同时性能优秀,并添加了网络组件,使网络监控组网不再受到繁复的影响,成为时下当红的网络监控利器。
As the front of the high-speed ball control, to provide rapid positioning, automatic cruise, a wide range of monitoring needs to meet people’s quick demand for monitoring. The measured protagonist of this period - NCC-4608CR / 26 Professional outdoor intelligent D1 network speed dome is a professional monitoring company Nichin Electronics launched at the end of 06 fast-ball masterpiece, in addition to standing smart dome function, the use of efficient 32bit RISC ARM chip, at the same time has a stylish dynamic appearance, its structure is sophisticated, and excellent performance, and add network components, network monitoring network is no longer subject to complicated effects, become popular nowadays network monitoring tool.