释义这是一个一夜成名的年代,你现在, 是“藕”还是“粉”? 藕粉,是一个当下流行的比喻词汇。“藕”指偶像,也就是如今众多媒体上的红人,大腕、大明星。“粉”是指粉丝, 英文叫做 FANS,是指热爱偶像,追捧偶像,在偶像身后跟跑的追随者。藕离不开粉,粉也离不开藕。两者相互依存于时代的大客厅,沙发上坐着,地毯上跳舞,天花板上映出婀娜绚美的身姿。藕与粉各得其乐而又彼此消长。藕娱
Interpretation This is an era of fame overnight. Do you now have “藕” or “粉”? 藕 粉粉 is a popular metaphorical vocabulary. “藕” refers to idols, which are the reds, big names and big stars in many media today. “Powder” is a fan, English is called FANS, and it refers to followers who love idols, pursue idols, and follow their idols. Can not do without powder, powder is also indispensable. The two are interdependent in the large living room of the times, sitting on the sofa, dancing on the carpet, and showing a graceful appearance on the ceiling. Both wolfberry and flour have fun and they grow longer. Entertainment