如果目前的伊拉克危机升级为公开战争,那就几乎没有什么人会否认在这场冲突中空中力量的重要性。其最后的表现是对伊拉克的军事目标、石油目标和行政目标实施战略的空中攻击。如果这一战役变得有必要进行的话,那么可能会怎么打呢?电子战会对作战产生什么影响? 要解决的第一个问题会是伊拉克的防空网。伊拉克空军可凑出约213架专用截击机,包括10架米格-25、48架米格-29、75架米格-21PF/MF、80架西安F-7(中国造米格-21)。在这一数字上,还必须加上空军的96架“幻影”F.IEQ和90架米格
If the current crisis in Iraq was to escalate into a public war, few would deny the importance of air power in the conflict. Its final manifestation is an aerial attack on the strategy for the implementation of Iraq’s military, oil and administrative objectives. If this campaign becomes necessary, how is it possible to fight it? What is the impact of EW on the battle? The first issue to be solved will be Iraq’s air defense network. The Iraqi Air Force has made some 213 special-purpose interceptor aircraft, including 10 MiG-25,48 MiG-29,75 MiG-21PF / MF and 80 Xi’an F-7 MiG- . In this figure, it is also necessary to add the Air Force’s 96 Phantom F.IEQs and 90 MiGs