编辑同志: 建筑是凝固的音乐,自古以来人类就对建筑抱有至善至美的追求。然而,在近几年的建筑行业中,却出现了一些不和谐的音符:“×××大厦发生倾斜!”“×××大楼突然坍塌!”“××领导因接受建筑包工头行贿被绳之以法……” 据调查,在建筑业发生贿赂犯罪的环节是很多的。一是工程发包招标投标环节。近年来,随着建筑业的迅速发展,建筑市场出现供大于求的局面,“一家女百家求”,谁能把活揽到手,谁就拿到了通往“金库”的钥匙。为此,一些建筑队和包工头就大肆贿赂有发包工程决定权者,以期承担到工程建设项
Editorial comrades: Building is solidified music, since ancient times, humans have the flawless pursuit of architecture. However, in the construction industry in recent years, some discordant notes have appeared: “XX Building Tilted!” “XX Building Suddenly Collapsed!” “XX Leader Bribed by Acceptance of Construction Foreman The law ... ... ”According to the survey, there are many links in the construction industry bribery. First, the tender contract bidding process. In recent years, with the rapid development of the construction industry, the oversupply situation has emerged in the construction market. The key to “vaults” is obtained from “one family with 100 women” who can take the lead. To this end, some construction teams and contractors wantonly bribe contractors who have the engineering decision-making, with a view to undertaking construction projects