编辑同志: 我院在审理借款合同纠纷案件中,经常遇到银行将贷款利息及罚息计入本金计算复利的情况。银行的依据是1995年6月26日中国人民银行以内部传真形式下发的《关于调整各项贷款利率的通知》中第7、8条的规定。该规定与1991年7月2日最高人民法院《关于人民法院审理借贷
Editorial comrades: Our court in the trial of loan contract disputes, often encountered banks interest and penalty interest loans calculated principal compound compounded the case. The bank is based on the provisions of Articles 7 and 8 of the “Circular on Adjusting Rates of Loans” issued by the People’s Bank of China on June 26, 1995 by internal fax. The provisions and July 2, 1991 the Supreme People’s Court "on the people’s court hearing borrowings