创业板从海市蜃楼变成了现实中的噩梦、这是谁也预料不到的事情。 不少冀望在创业板淘第一桶金的投资商们被创业板戏弄得欲哭无泪,两年来抢着投资了不少据说有望第一批上创业板的企业。转眼间,近在咫尺的创业板却突然变得遥遥无期,投出去的资金“欲退无门”红火的风险投资市场也跟着一下沉寂下来,今年“高交会”上,投资商已明显失去往日的激情。 被创业版伤害的不光是投资商,不少创业企业也被折磨得死去活来、对于等待上创业板的企业们来说,一来“等待上市”时产生的筹资成本数额可观,二来,想上市便必须“有所为有所不为”,虽说创业板值得等待,但市场商机转眼即逝。两年间企业为此付出的机会成本更
GEM from the mirage has become a real nightmare, this is an unexpected thing. Many hope that investors in the GEM Amoy pot of gold temper tearing up the GEM, two years rushing to invest a lot of said to be expected on the first batch of GEM companies. Suddenly, the GEM in the near future has suddenly become out of control in the foreseeable future, the funds invested “to get out of the door,” the booming venture capital market also followed a quiet down, this year’s “fair”, investors have obviously lost the past Passion. Entrepreneurship Edition is not only hurt by investors, many start-ups have also been tortured to die, waiting for the GEM companies, a “waiting for the listing,” the amount of funding costs incurred considerable, and secondly, want to market We must “do something for nothing.” Although the GEM is worth the wait, the market opportunities are fleeting. Two years, companies have to pay the opportunity cost more