2002年2月,我国造船行业著名专家、七一一研究所原总工程师、副所长沈岳瑞同志与世长辞。消息传出,全所职工十分悲痛,纷纷以各种方式纪念这位科技界德高望重的老前辈,上级领导机关、他的生前好友也以多种形式表示对他的深切怀念。所内一位高级工程师书写的一幅挽联“终生敬业德艺双馨船舶宗师留典范,一心向党忠廉两全人民公仆效楷模”,既寄托了全体干部职工的哀思,又恰如其分地评价了逝者那不平凡的人生轨迹…… 德重者永生。我为沈总对船舶工业作出的卓越贡献所折服;更为他无私奉献、终生敬业、关心别人、甘当铺路石的崇高科研道德所感动,久久不能忘怀。
February 2002, China’s famous expert shipbuilding industry, the former chief engineer of the Institute of 1111 Institute, Comrade Shen Yuerui, deputy director died. As the news spread, all the staff and workers were very saddened. They all commemorated in various ways the respected predecessors and superior leading organs of the scientific and technological circles. His ex-friends also expressed his deep nostalgia for him in various forms. A senior engineer written by the Elector, “Lifelong Dedicated Shuangxin Ship Master Glad to Set Model, wholeheartedly to the party loyal and civil servants role model”, both sustenance of the grief of all cadres and workers, but also aptly assessed the passing away That extraordinary trajectory of life ... Germany who eternal life. I am impressed by Shen’s outstanding contribution to the shipbuilding industry. I am deeply moved by his noble scientific research ethics of selfless dedication, devotion to life, care for others and willingness to pave the way for a long time to forget.