在群众性创建文明环境的活动中,某部党委要求每个干部职工从不随手扔垃圾、不随地吐痰、不说脏话等小事做起,叫响了“让文明跟着你走”的口号。笔者不禁为此叫好! 让文明跟着你走,体现了党中央对革命军人及预备役官兵、民兵的特殊要求。他们要在精神文明建设方面走在全社会的前列,就要切实做到走到哪里,就自觉把文明习惯和风气带到哪里。过去,我们的红军、八路军、新四军都是这样做的。文明跟着红军、八路军、新四军走,这是军史上无与伦比的事实。在新形势下,我们要发扬我军的这一优良传统,自觉做到让文明跟着你走。
In mass activities to create a civilized environment, a party committee requires that every cadre and worker should never throw away rubbish, do not spit on, spat it out, and other small things and ring the slogan “Let civilization follow you”. I can not help but applause! Letting civilization follow you shows the special requirements of the party Central Committee for the revolutionaries and reserve officers and militias. They must take the forefront of the entire society in building a spiritual civilization and they must take concrete measures wherever they go and consciously bring the customs and culture of civilization to where they are. In the past, our Red Army, the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army all did so. Civilization follows the Red Army, the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army. This is an unparalleled fact in the military history. Under the new circumstances, we must carry forward this excellent tradition of our army and consciously let civilizations follow you.