对于妈妈来说,哄骗孩子是生活中不可避免的经历。很多时候,想让宝宝乖乖就范,妈妈得绞尽脑汁想出各种哄骗招数。譬如说,说谎会长长鼻子的故事就让我们铭记了骗人是不对的道理。然而,当你面临孩子的苦恼、耍赖时,当你的哄骗遭遇诚信时,你会如伺应对? 我们采访了近30位家长,哄骗招数可谓是“仁者见仁,智者见智”,现邀请12位家长现身说法,或许也能从中捕捉到你自己的身影。
For moms, using kids is an inevitable experience in life. In many cases, want your baby obediently, mother must racked their brains come up with all kinds of tricks. For example, the story of lying and having a long nose reminds us of the fact that it is not right to lie. However, when you are faced with children’s distress and betrayal, when you kidnap honesty, will you be as responsive as possible? We interviewed nearly 30 parents. Trickery can be described as “benevolent benevolence, wise men see wisdom”, inviting 12 Parents may come out to say, you may also be able to capture your own shadow.