Neutron moisture meter calibration is the basis of neutron measurement technology. It is the sub-method to determine the soil moisture. Although it utilizes the direct interaction between fast neutrons and water protons in soil, the measured result is the thermal neutron count generated by the fast nuclei moderated by hydrogen nuclei. In order to obtain soil moisture content, it is necessary to clarify the relationship between thermal neutron count and water content. This is a prerequisite for the determination of soil moisture using neutron moisture meters. In general, the generated thermal neutron density and soil moisture have a certain linear relationship. Practice also proves this fact. However, in practical applications, the shape, intercept and slope of the calibration curve are different for different instruments (mainly the structure of the probe and the geometry of the source), differences in the physical and chemical properties of the soil (such as chemical composition, texture and bulk density) influential. Therefore, strictly speaking, for each instrument and each type of soil need to have its specific calibration curve, so as to get more accurate measurement results.