一段时期以来,农业结构调整的劲风正猛,农民致富心情迫切,千方百计寻信息,找市场,借鉴结构调整的成功经验。但许多人对那些成功经验不是活学活用,而是紧紧跟随,依葫芦画瓢。 例如听说某人养鸽发了家,就跟着养鸽,看到大棚菜市场红,就“一窝蜂”地跟着上。结果是今天的市场如日中天,但等你养成功了,价格可能就一路下滑,跌入低谷。农民困惑不已:“不是说要‘跟着市场转’吗,怎么转来转去反转赔了钱?”
Since a certain period of time, the breeze of agricultural structural adjustment is fierce. Farmers are eager to get rich. They try every possible means to find information, find markets, and learn from the successful experience of structural adjustment. However, many people are not actively learning from those successful experiences. Instead, they follow closely and rebuild their ladle. For example, I heard someone raised a pigeon home, just follow the pigeons, see greenhouse vegetable market red, “swarm” followed. The result is today’s market is flourishing, but wait for you to raise a success, the price may slide all the way down to the bottom. Peasants puzzled endlessly: "Does not mean to ’follow the market turn’, how to turn around to turn lost money?