Chinese New YearCelebrated around the World

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  How Overseas Chinese Celebrate
  the Spring Festival
  Chinese Spring Festival is the most important occasion for Chinese family reunions and celebrations. The tradition is observed by Chinese both at home and abroad.
  Much like Western families come together for Thanksgiving dinner, overseas Chinese families too gather for reunion dinner on the eve of Chinese New Year. As we do at home, overseas Chinese also regard the New Year’s Eve dinner a most important event. On the menu, you can typically find “jiaozi” or “niangao”.
  At home, we will watch the CCTV Gala on the New Year’s Eve, while overseas Chinese prefer to get together to hold a gala. For example, On Jan. 22, 2011, Chinese in New York held a gala to celebrate the Spring Festival. “I believe that the gala will not only enrich the community life and build stronger friendship among the people, but also help promote Chinese culture and expand its influence,” Peng Keyu, the Consul General of China in New York said.
  Foreigners Also Enjoy Chinese New Year Celebrations
  Chinese New Year also attracts many foreigners. During the Festival, the streets near Chinatowns in all parts of the world are decorated with long rows of red lanterns. Chinese and foreigners, dressed in the Tang suit, perform dragon and lion dances together.
  ● Southeast Asia
  In Southeast Asia, like Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and Philippines, Chinese New Year is a public holiday and considered to be one of the most important holidays of the year.
  ● Europe
  Chinese New Year is one of the most popular annual events in Paris, with a parade and special performances. In London, the mayor will deliver a speech on television wishing Chinese people a happy New Year. If a British person hasn’t heard of Chinese New Year, he is sure to be considered as an old-fashioned person.
  ● North America
  In North America, a giant night parade has been a tradition in major cities such as San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York City, Washington D.C., Boston, Toronto and Vancouver, since just after the Gold Rush in the 1860’s.
  ● Australia
  Sydney claims to have the largest Chinese New Year celebrations outside Asia with over 600,000 people attending the celebrations in Chinatown annually. The events there last over three weeks including the launch celebration, outdoor markets, evening street food stalls, Chinese opera performances, dragon boat races, a film festival and multiple parades.
  The word “observed” (in Paragraph 1) probably means “ ”.
  A. see and notice; watch carefully
  B. obey rules, laws, customs, etc.
  C. celebrate festivals, birthdays, etc.
  D. say by way of comment; remark
  (Find the Key in this issue)
  Consul General总领事
  Tang suit唐装
  Gold Rush淘金热
人 物: 温州医科大学日语专业 bunbun酱  采 写: 特约记者 潘晗艳   如果你是《海贼王》《火影忍者》等日本动漫的狂热粉丝,如果你是《口袋妖怪》《超级马里奥》等日本游戏的死忠玩家,如果你还是日本影视剧达人,那么,你对日语一定不会陌生,甚至可以脱口而出一些比较简单的口语。   但是,千万别觉得这样就是有天赋,可以轻轻松松学日语了!关于日语专业,有个说法是“笑着进去,哭着出来”。学日语四
·人物·    是对手, 更是兄弟  提起史冬鹏,人们似乎下意识地就会想到刘翔。在广州亚运会男子110米栏决赛中,刘翔无疑是比赛的主角,而一直站在刘翔身边的史冬鹏,再次获得银牌。有人说史冬鹏是“千年老二”,有人说史冬鹏“生不逢时”,有人说史冬鹏总是被人遗忘……似乎有刘翔在,史冬鹏永远只是配角。  在赛场上,刘翔与史冬鹏是对手,但在赛场外,两人却是亲密无间的好兄弟。刘翔曾称赞史冬鹏:“世界上有一种最
兄弟相见   熊对能说:穷成这样啦,四个熊掌全卖了?  兵对丘说:兄弟,踩上地雷了吧,两腿都没了?  王对皇说:当皇上有什么好处?看你,头发都白了。  比对北说:自家兄弟闹什么别扭呢?  巾对币说:小样,戴上博士帽就身价百倍了!  臣对巨说:咱们面积一样,但我是三室两厅。    这是中国产的  一天,我在逛小吃街,发现一家卖蛋塔的店,想买一个来尝尝。   我问店员 : “请问这是单卖的吗?”  店
人真正的优越感,是他对未来有一种想象,他可以顺着这种想象前行,成为生命路上的大象。而当镜头慢慢拉高拉远,这头大象又成了一只蚂蚁。不过因为他有理想,所以连爬行的姿态终究也是特别的可爱!  Hello,夏烈!我是一名高一学生,最近有件事一直困扰着我:马上要升高二了,这就意味着我要在文科和理科中做出选择。对我来说,这是人生第一次面对如此重要的选择。  我想选理科。我没有明显的偏科,加上家里人都说读理科出
一、用各句中所给动词的中文释义完成句子:   1. The floodwaters began to ______(上涨) again.   2. What time ______ the banks ______ (open) ?   3. I’m going to ask her to ______(结婚) me on St Valentine’s Day.   4. ______(举起) y
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