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阅读和阅读教育在幼儿园教育教学实践层面上广泛地存在着,可阅读教育在幼儿园并没有引起足够的重视,且还存在着认识层面的模糊不清、行动层面的混乱无序和方法层面的错误失当等问题。一方面,阅读更多的只是包容在幼儿园语言教育活动之中,阅读教育本身没有一个明确的课程目标和计划;另一方面,有很多打着阅读的旗号其实都是些认字识字活动的似是而非的阅读在幼儿园内大行其是。总之,我国幼儿园阅读教育目前还处在一个非正规性、缺乏计划性、无系统性、少科学性的边缘化状态。这同“走进阅读社会”“打造读书人国度”以及“让每一个美国的8岁儿童都学会自主阅读”等国际呼吁和世界最强音相比,毫无疑问,我们的幼儿阅读教育现状是落后的、麻木的。阅读教育现状令人堪忧!重视幼儿园阅读教育刻不容缓!本刊自创刊以来,一直在关注着幼儿园阅读教育。从2008年第一期开始,本刊将与《东方娃娃》杂志等合作专设“创意与素养阅读”栏目,约请国内外阅读教育专家以及幼儿园一线优秀教师共同研究和关注幼儿园阅读教育,及时发布和展示幼儿园阅读教育最新观点、最新成果。本期“创意与素养阅读”刊载“东方娃娃”阅读研究与指导中心丁诚中老师和松居直大师的倾心之作,以飨读者。《东方娃娃》是中国内地第一家明确提出绘本(图画书)阅读理念并一直坚持在编辑过程中贯彻这个理念的出版机构。不仅如此,《东方娃娃》面世8年来,一直坚持以各种形式向家庭和社会各界传播科学的早期阅读理念,并且组织专家和一线的幼教工作者就绘本在家庭和幼儿园中的运用进行了深入的研究,积累了丰富的经验和研究成果。松居直先生是日本的图画书之父,作为亚洲乃至世界级的大师,他在绘本的编辑、创作和研究、传播领域均有极深的造诣。他曾经说过:“在我的前面没有路,我的后面留下了路。”我们常常感动于先生的执著、感动于他对孩子的爱、感动于他的人格和他对中国人民的友谊。2007年11月,81岁高龄的他在上海做了题为《为孩子找回心灵的力量》精彩的演讲。 Reading and reading education exists widely in kindergarten education and teaching practice. However, reading education does not pay enough attention to kindergarten, and there are still unclear and unclear levels of awareness, disorder and procedural mistakes at the operational level Misconduct and other issues. On the one hand, reading more is only contained in the kindergarten language education activities. There is no clear curriculum goal and plan for reading education itself. On the other hand, there are many signs for reading that are actually plausible Reading in the kindergarten is popular. In short, our country’s kindergarten reading education is still in a non-formal, the lack of planned, non-systematic, less scientific marginalized state. Compared with international calls such as “Reading into Society” “Creating a State of a Bookrunner” and “Let Every 8-Year-Old American Child Learn to Read It Ownly” Compared with the strongest voice in the world, there is no doubt that we The status quo of young children’s reading education is backward and numb. The current situation of reading education is worrisome! Emphasis on reading education in kindergarten urgently! Since its inception, the magazine has been concerned about reading education in kindergartens. Since the first phase of 2008, the magazine will collaborate with Oriental Doll Magazine and other departments to create a column entitled “Reading in Creativity and Literacy.” We invite domestic and foreign experts in reading education and excellent teachers in kindergarten to study and pay attention to reading education in kindergartens, Timely release and display kindergarten reading education latest view, the latest achievements. This issue of “Reading in Creativity and Literacy” contains the devoted work of Ding Chengzhong and Master Song in the “Oriental Doll” Reading Research and Instruction Center to readers. “Oriental Doll” is the first publishing institution in mainland China that explicitly put forward the concept of a picture book (picture book) and has always insisted on implementing this concept in the editing process. Moreover, Oriental Doll has been adhering to disseminating early reading concepts of science in various forms to the family and various sectors of the community for eight years after its launch. Organizational experts and front-line preschool teachers have conducted in-depth studies on the use of pictorials in homes and kindergartens Research, has accumulated rich experience and research results. Mr. Matsunaga is the father of Japanese picture books. As a master in Asia and even in the world, Mr. Matsunaga has profound accomplishments in editing, writing, researching and disseminating picture books. He once said: “There is no way ahead of me and the road behind me is left. ” We often touched Mr.’s dedication, touched by his love for his children, touched by his personality and his feelings toward the Chinese people Friendship. In November 2007, at the age of 81, he made a wonderful speech in Shanghai titled “Power for the Child to Find the Heart.”
[教学内容]义务教育课程标准实验教科书人教版数学一年级上册第2单元“比一比”中第9~10页的例题和第12~13页的第5~9题练习。  [设计理念]“长短、高矮”是在学生学会了比较事物“同样多”和“多少”的基础上进行教学的。教材首先各通过一幅主题情景图,让学生发现事物存在着长短、高矮关系并学会比较长短、高矮的方法,再通过“做一做”活动,让学生体会长短、高矮的相对性。从教材编写的意图来看,比较长短、高
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