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  My mom keeps odd hours. Around 9:30 p.m. every night, she goes to bed; after that, she goes exploring. Once, in a dream, she ran through dewy grass, jumped into the moonlit sky, and cleared the roof of a barn. Once her dream self walked to a mall just to people-watch. Another time she dreamt she met a group of people she’d never met before at a swimming pool she’d never been to; a week later, she found herself at that pool, and—she swears—met those same people.
  Suffice to say2 my mom’s sleeping hours are unusually rich and eventful. She likes to keep it that way. “I consider my dreaming life just as important as my waking life,” she told me when I was younger.
  My mom, I have since realized, is perhaps the only person in my life who is not “wakecentric”—who views her sleeping state,particularly her dreams, as essential. It’s a term I didn’t even know until I read a paper on dream loss titled “Dreamless: The Silent Epidemic of REM3 Sleep Loss”. The author, University of Arizona psychologist Rubin Naiman, makes two primary arguments. One, modern humans are deprived of dreams. Two, this is not only sad from an existential perspective, it’s also a public health crisis, one brought on by a combination of lifestyle factors, substance use, sleep disorders, and, “indirectly, a dismissive attitude about the value and meaning of dreams.”
  To understand where he’s coming from, it’s first important to know that we still aren’t entirely sure what a dream really is—an ambiguity4 that’s allowed different disciplines to focus on the elements that are most relevant to them. To sleep scientists, dreaming is the neurological process that happens when our minds enter rapid eye movement (REM) sleep; to psychologists, it can be a meaningful experience. Naiman believes the divide among professionals leads to a reductive, destructive interpretation of dreams. As for the laymen, he writes: “Today, too many of us view dreams the way we do stars—they emerge nightly and seem magnificent, but are far too distant to be of any relevance to our real lives.” Some people don’t remember their dreams, or view them as a casual phenomenon that doesn’t warrant5 much thought once daylight comes around. Only a few think of them as something like magic, devoting space in our waking brains to remembering and reliving them.
  To Naiman, dreams are equal parts magic, science, and mystery. Mostly, he defines dreams by what happens in their absence: irritability, depression, weight gain, hallucinations.6 Erosion of reason, memory, and immune system functions. A loss of spirituality. In the paper, Naiman notes that we’ve known of these consequences since the 1960s: When researchers ran experiments depriving subjects of only REM sleep, they found that most of the negative side effects mirrored those of total sleep deprivation.   Alarm clocks are a common enemy of dreams, Naiman notes, because waking up to the trill of an alarm clock “shears off” our dreaming periods (“Imagine being abruptly ushered out of a movie theater whenever a film was nearing its conclusion,” he writes).7 So are alcohol and cannabis8, which can disrupt REM sleep significantly, and even sleeping pills, which increase light sleep at the expense of the deeper, more high-quality stuff. Artificial light from digital screens, lightbulbs and city lights cut into REM, too. Finally, sleep disorders such as insomnia and sleep apnea have increased in recent years9—likely due to the same factors as sleep deprivation, he notes.
  What Naiman doesn’t say, but feels relevant, is that it is especially hard to safeguard our dream sleep because there’s so little social or financial incentive to do so. For most of us, sleeping falls lower on the priority list than both work and play. And getting the recommended amount of sleep—seven to nine hours a night—isn’t as trendy as so many other wellness-focused habits. This could be because sleep isn’t inherently commodifiable10; it doesn’t make businesses money the way that a spin class or a kale smoothie can. Spurred on by the constant reminders of other things we should be doing to better ourselves and increase our productivity, we habitually push sleep aside, delay it, demean11 it.
  Naiman’s argument outlines the situation pretty clearly: It’s us and our dreams against the modern world, with its light bulbs, its shrill alarm clocks, its pesky “wake-centric bias.”12 It’s a fight to preserve a state that enriches our waking life much more than we give it credit for. And he implores13 us to join him, indicating the true weight of the stakes by opening his paper with a well-placed quote from a Rolling Stones song.
  “Lose your dreams,” the song goes, “and you will lose your mind.”
  后来我意识到,我妈妈大概是我生命中唯一一个不“以醒着的时间为中心”的人,她将自己的睡眠状态,尤其是睡觉时做梦,视为生活的必需。对于“以醒着的时间为中心”这个术语,我之前是闻所未闻,直到我读了一篇关于睡梦缺失的文章,题为《无梦状态:悄然流行的快波睡眠缺失》。作者鲁宾·奈曼是亚利桑那大学的心理学家,他在文中提出了两个论点。第一,現代人被剥夺了梦。第二,从存在主义角度来说,这是一件悲哀的事情。同时,它也是一个公共健康危机,是由生活方式、物质使用、睡眠紊乱和“间接地对梦的价值和意义不屑一顾的态度”综合造成的。   要了解他何以得出这一结论,首先要知道我们对于梦到底是什么并不完全确定。正是这种模糊性让不同的学科得以利用梦的定义里与自己学科最相关的部分。对于睡眠科学家来说,做梦是一个神经活动过程,当我们进入快波睡眠时,就会做梦;对于心理学家来说,做梦是一个有意义的经历。奈曼认为专业人士之间的分歧导致了对梦的解析越来越少并具有破坏性。对于门外汉,他写道:“如今,太多人对梦的态度就像对待星星一样,认为它们在夜间闪现,看起来棒极了,但却遥远到与我们的现实生活毫无关联。”一些人不记得自己做的梦,或者把梦当做偶然现象,不值得在白天花时间思考。只有少数一些人认为梦有奇异魔力,从梦中醒来后会试图回忆、重温旧梦。
  1. epidemic:(疾病的)流行,(坏事的)盛行。
  2. suffice (it) to say: 无须多说。
  3. REM: 快速动眼期(rapid eye movement),亦称快波睡眠,是睡眠的一个阶段,眼球在此阶段时会呈现不由自主的快速移动。它是全部睡眠中最浅的阶段,人们能记得自己做过梦。
  4. ambiguity: 模棱两可,不明确。
  5. warrant: 使有必要。
  7. trill: 颤声,短促尖声;shear off:切掉,剪断;usher: 引导。
  8. cannabis: 大麻,大麻制品。
  9. insomnia: 失眠,失眠症;apnea:窒息,呼吸暂停。
  10. commodifiable: 可以商品化的,来自动词commodify(商品化)。
  11. demean: 贬低,贬损。
  12. shrill: 刺耳的,尖声的;pesky: 恼人的,讨厌的。
  13. implore: 恳求。
除了经营公司精明能干,各种各样的粗活儿詹姆士也都在行,比如,刷墙,铺地,贴壁纸,架电线,在开辟新家园的过程中,詹姆士没少出力  JAMES CROSS (詹姆士)是英国REEVES ANDNEYLAN会计公司的老板,也是我的好朋友的爸爸,他的公司在全英会计公司中排名前三十位.他本人还是英国商会坎特贝雷区域的主席。  去年,应朋友之邀,我在他们家过了传统的圣诞节,也了解了英国商人的生活。    谷
欧洲的面积大概有一千万平方公里,由四十几个大大小小的独立国家组成。这些国家基本上都有各自的语言,但多为一个共同的祖先开枝散叶形成的后世子孙,故有不少大同小异的地方。  欧洲历史上曾有一种共同语言,那就是Lingua Latina(拉丁语)。它起源于拉丁姆地区(今意大利的拉齐奥地区),最初只是台伯河岸一个小村庄的方言,后来在历史的长河中逐渐发展和壮大。在罗马帝国时期,拉丁语在宗教、科学、艺术领域都是
美国电影中有无数从不同角度反映战争的,尤其是导致美国成为超级大国的第二次世界大战。2014年10月上映的《狂怒》(Fury)成为其中最新的一部,并取得了票房与评论俱佳的成绩。本片由大卫·阿耶(David Ayer)导演,布拉德·皮特(Brad Pitt)、什耶·拉博夫(Shia LeBeouf)和洛根·勒曼(Logan Lerman)等主演,反映二战尾声美军坦克“狂怒”号五位成员的心路历程。影片投
前不久,“盲盒經济”突然崛起。“盲盒”俘获了大量忠粉的心,人们对之入迷。有一对夫妇为此四个月花了20万元,还有一位60岁的玩家,一年花费70多万元购买盲盒。数据显示,某二手购物平台过去一年有30万盲盒玩家在其平台交易。  盲盒里面通常装的是动漫、影视作品的周边玩偶,或专门设计出来的玩偶。但盒子上没有标注,只有打开盒子才会知道自己抽到了什么。这和买彩票颇为相似,都有赌运气的成分。  单个盲盒的价格通
2019年3月上旬,惊蛰刚过,春分尚远,我在“英语语言学概论”的课堂上和学生们一起探讨英文代名词的性别问题。课前查阅资料时赫然发现,OED刚刚增收了两个中性的TA,自己蛰伏一整个冬天的心境也因而惊醒。  OED是《牛津英语词典》(Oxford English Dictionary)的简称,是当今世界上规模最大、权威性最高的英语词典。OED目前以“季度更新”的方式在线修订,固定于每年的三、六、九、十
8月25日,大众汽车公司在德国首都柏林推出了令人耳目一新的双门四座运动型概念车Iroc。这款拥有时尚外观设计、全新动力总成的概念车,将重新定位运动车型的发展趋势,并重现33年前大众汽车的经典跑车——Scirocco的辉煌。当年,Scirocco一经推出即蜚声全球,仅第一代的销售量就超过了50万辆。  极富创意的 Iroc 概念车的最大特点是在富有表现力的设计和日常实用性之间,达到了接近完美的平衡,
微博上出现乔布斯1996年访谈中说过的一句话的译文。  原文是:“Good artists copy;Great artists steal,”  李开复很赞赏建筑师朱海峰的译文:“能工摹其形,巧匠摄其魂。”并且用“能翻译者摹其意,巧翻译家摄其魂”这样的话来称赞该译文。  乍一看这个翻译确实不错。但是仔细一考究,就觉出一点问题来了。问题首先出在“能工”与“巧匠”。在我们的印象中,一般这两个词都是连
我们居住在同一个星球。第一次听到“三个世界”的说法,觉得怪怪的:明明不就有一个世界吗?  后来我从事了口译职业。如今,在我眼里,不是一个世界,不是三个世界,而是万个世界。  记得在一次口译场合,一位也想从事口译行业的与会者问我:“像您这样从事口译多年的人士,一定已经轻车熟路,不用再做什么准备了吧?”这样的提问,是源于她以为一旦一位译员在一个有限的范围里积累够了,做口译就会很轻松了。  遗憾的是,译