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現代医学的飞速发展,已帮助我們战胜了不少我們祖先所无法对付的疾病。但是,还有一些疾病——遺传性疾病,是医学家至今还很少方法或缺乏根本方法的。这些病的发病机制很奥妙,所采取的对付方法也迥然不同。随着传染性疾病的被控制,这类疾病已逐步被重視起来。本文就对这类疾病的最近生物化学和遺传学的研究情况举例介紹一下。人类对疾病的认識,随着科学的发展,已愈来愈深入了。魏尔嘯(Virchow)曾建立了細胞病理学的概念,企图在細胞及組織水平上回答病态破坏的本貭。这当然比原来人們对疾病的各种糊涂、玄妙的概念或甚至神秘莫測是进了一步。然而,由于現代生物化学及遺传学的发展,它的影响已不断渗入医学,以至我們現在所可能談論的,已經不只是細胞病理学,而有分子病理学了。“分子病”这是由鲍林(Pauling)所首先提出的一个专門名詞,其所指的是生物体中某种物貭(主要指高分子物貭)的分子結构(成分或空間构形)的某种异常而引起的疾病。現在,遺传学家和生物化学家所能认識的这类疾病,已經不是几种,而是几十种甚至上百种了。究竟分子病是怎么一回事呢?这必須从生物体內的有活性的生物高分子物貭的形成及其作用談起。在各种生物体內,与生命活动最有关系的物质有二类:卽核酸与蛋白貭。其中核酸主要是携带和传递遺传密碼;而蛋白貭在生物体中除去部分結构蛋白外,其最重要的作用是在代謝反应的各个阶段上起催化作用(或許也可能所有細胞內的結构蛋白都与催化有关)。核酸的生成及其在遺传过程中作用的发揮,必須靠蛋白貭的帮助才能实現;而蛋白质的生成則又决定于核酸所規定的方式或模型。 The rapid development of modern medicine has helped us to overcome many diseases that our ancestors could not deal with. However, there are still some diseases - hereditary diseases, which are still scarce or lacking in fundamental methods by medical scientists. The pathogenesis of these diseases is subtle and the methods of coping adopted are quite different. With the control of infectious diseases, such diseases have gradually been taken seriously. This article gives an example of the recent biochemistry and genetics of these diseases. Human understanding of the disease, with the development of science, has deepened. Virchow has established the concept of cytopathology in an attempt to answer morbid destructive cells at the cellular and organizational level. This is certainly one step further than the original confused, mysterious concept or even mystical mystery of the disease. However, because of the development of modern biochemistry and genetics, its influence has continuously infiltrated into medicine, and as far as we can talk about now, it is not just cytopathology but also molecular pathology. Molecular disease is a term first proposed by Pauling and refers to the molecular structure (composition or spatial configuration) of a substance (mainly a macromolecular substance) in a living organism ) Of some abnormalities caused by the disease. There are not only a few such diseases that geneticists and biochemists can recognize, but dozens or even hundreds of them. What exactly is the molecular disease? This must be discussed from the formation and function of the living biopolymer in the organism. There are two types of substances most relevant to life activity in various organisms: 卽 nucleic acids and protein 貭. Wherein the nucleic acid is primarily responsible for carrying and transmitting the genetic code, and protein pallidum, in addition to removing part of the structural protein in the organism, plays a catalytic role in all stages of the metabolic reaction (and possibly all intracellular structural proteins All related to catalysis). Nucleic acid production and its role in the genetic process play, must rely on the help of protein 貭 can be achieved; and protein production is determined by the way or model of nucleic acid.
元日  王安石  爆竹声中一岁除,  春风送暖入屠苏。  千门万户曈曈日,  总把新桃换旧符。  同学们,又是一年新春到。这个春节,你想好做什么了吗?放鞭炮,贴窗花,还是挥毫舞墨,写一副好看的春联呢?让我们一起欣赏李啸老师的行草作品《元日》,看看古人是怎么过春节的吧!  在欢天喜地的爆竹声中,旧的一年过去了,暖洋洋的春风带来了春的气息。初一这天,全家老小喝屠苏酒(一种自酿的中药保健酒),然后用红布