随着摩天大楼高度的增加,钢索电梯的制造难度越来越大.在德国亚琛工业大学的科研人员看来,由钢索牵引的电梯很快将成为历史.他们开发成功了一种更先进的电梯升降机,利用的是磁力.这种靠磁力带动电梯的机制较钢索牵引有许多优势,其中之一是可以达到钢索牵引望尘莫及的提升高度,满足上千米摩天大楼的升降要求.亚琛工业大学已经建成的试验电梯只有4 m 高,但它却是世界上第一台试验成功的磁动力电梯.磁动力电梯的原理和磁悬浮列车差不多,只不过电梯是在垂直方向上动作,不像列车那样是在水平方向上运动的.
As the height of skyscrapers increases, the manufacture of cable lifts is more and more difficult, and in the view of researchers at the RWTH Aachen University, lifts towed by cables will soon become a thing of the past. Advanced elevator lifts make use of magnetic force, which has many advantages over cable lifts, one of which is the lifting height that can be achieved by cable traction, which meets the lifting requirements of the above-mentioned kilometer skyscrapers. Aachen University has built a test elevator only 4 m high, but it is the world’s first successful test of the magnetic power elevator.Magnetic lift principle and the maglev train is similar, but the elevator is moving in the vertical direction, Unlike the train that is moving in the horizontal direction.