驮起几箱书报,伴随炮火硝烟.点燃知识火光,奋蹄敌后山川.这是抗大二分校马背图书馆的真实写照.1939年底的一天凌晨,寒风凛冽,驻扎在晋察冀边区灵寿县大庄村的抗大二分校响起了一阵紧急集合号音,霎时间成千师生便全副武装象一座岿然不动的城墙一样,横排在挂满霜花的林间大操场上.我们图书馆的几名成员,手牵驮着书箱的五匹战马也静静地站在队伍后面,等待命令.只见孙毅校长用手把长得很厚实的胡茬子一摸,然后用力一挥说:“出发!” 队伍很快就消失在黎明前的夜幕中.当时我在图书馆当图书干事,记得图书馆存书4700多册.为了适应行军作战,孙校长指示要把图书馆办成流动的,轻骑式的图书馆.遵照这个指示,经反复琢磨,我们制作了一种书架与书柜合一的书箱,平时打开即成书架,行动时合起来即成书箱.说走就走,说开就开,在行军转移途中也可从马背
Carrying a few boxes of newspapers and magazines, accompanied by artillery smoke. Ignite the knowledge of flames, fought enemies after the mountains and rivers .This is a true portrayal of anti-sophomore horseback library .1939 at the end of the day, cold and windy, stationed in the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei border Lingshou County village sophomore sounded an emergency set of sounds, all of a sudden thousands of teachers and students will be fully armed like a standing wall, like a horizontal arrangement in the forest filled with frost on the playground. Several members of the library, carrying five warriors laden with bookshelf also quietly stood behind the team, waiting for orders .I saw President Sun Yi hand thick stubble stubble, and then force a The squad quickly disappeared into the night before dawn when I was a book clerk in the library and remembered more than 4,700 volumes of books were stored in the library. In order to adapt to march operations, Principal Sun instructed the library office In accordance with this instruction, after repeated study, we made a bookcase and bookcase combination of books, usually open into a bookshelf, when combined into a book box that act. , Said it on the open, the transfer of march can also horseback