In this paper, the effects of sucrose, maltose, lactose, glucose, fructose, galactose and seventeen genotypes on in vitro induction and growth of cotton unfertilized ovule were compared. The results showed that 0.2mol·L-1 glucose was a suitable carbon source for in vitro development of cotton unfertilized ovule fibers. The best in vitro induction of the off-fiber from the Cynomolgus cotton 312 and the super-chicken foot-leaf cotton without the ovules was 75.4% and 79.2%, respectively. In hybrid F1, the retired fiber induction rate and fiber growth of the unfertilized ovules of brown cotton × cotton × F1, cotton × cotton × brown cotton × cotton × cotton × cotton × mianxian F1 were all better. In Gumian 3 × 621F1 and Simian 3 × Yumian 422F1, the former had the highest fiber induction rate in all genotypes, and the latter was the largest in all treatments. The untested results show that there is a suitable medium and genotype for the fiber development induced by retired cotton unfertilized ovules.