为促进县市局目标任务的完成,推进企业的快速发展,江西省电信公司赣州分公司继对县市局领导班子实行年薪制考核、推行承包责任制后,又在2000年推出了领导班子达标竞赛活动。t“达标竞赛办法”规定,凡连续3 年完成公司下达的量收目标,未发生通信事故、人身伤亡事故和其它重
In order to promote the accomplishment of the objectives and tasks of the county and city bureaus and promote the rapid development of the enterprises, Jiangxi Ganzhou Branch of the telecom company, following the implementation of the annual salary system for the county and city bureaus and the implementation of the contractual responsibility system, introduced the leading group in 2000 Contest. t “standard competition approach” provides that where the company completed three consecutive years to achieve the volume target, there was no communication accident, personal injury and other heavy