On December 9, 1935, patriotic young students from major middle schools in Peiping held demonstrations and marches under the leadership of the Communist Party of China and launched the “January 9” student patriotic movement. On that day, the Kuomintang authorities ordered the closure of the gates to stop suburban student marches and city students from leaving the city, and ordered all schools to close their doors and not allow students to go to school. However, the city gate, the school gate can not stop students patriotic enthusiasm. The student team tried his best to get to the streets and shouted “Down with Japanese imperialism!” “Stop civil war! Unanimously!” “Against the establishment of the Jicha government council!” “Oppose North China specialization!” Patriotic students are not afraid of bloodshed and sacrifice. In order to rescued Japan and save the country, they were brave and tenaciously fighting against the KMT armed police who were ordered to crack down on them.