北京市物价局日前发出通知,降低阿莫西林等 150种药品在北京市的零售价格,这也是北京市今年第三次大幅度降低药品价格,平均降价幅度达到23%。其中降幅最大的非GMP(药品生产质量管理规范的英文缩写)企业生产的阿昔洛韦片,每盒由36元降为14元,降价幅度为60
Beijing Municipality recently issued a circular to reduce the retail price of 150 drugs such as amoxicillin in Beijing. This is the third time this year Beijing has drastically reduced drug prices by an average of 23%. Among the non-GMP (acronym for Pharmaceutical Production Quality Management) companies that produced the largest decrease, the price of acyclovir tablets was reduced from 36 yuan to 14 yuan and the price cut was 60 yuan