清华大学中美关系研究中心(Tsinghua Center for US—China Relations)成立于2007年9月。中心以开拓具有中国特色的“美国学”为指导......
2012年11月16~18日,北京大学历史学系和罗伯特·史密斯国际杰斐逊研究中心(The Robert H. Smith International Center for Jefferso......
2010年9月28~29日,第三届全球经济研讨会在土耳其伊斯坦布尔会议中心(Istanbul Conference Center,ICC)举行。与前两届一样,本届研讨会仍......
2018年5月,美国战略与国际研究中心(Center for Strategic and International Studies)的官网登载了费和中国研究项目主任张克斯(C......
It has been more than a year since Don passed away suddenly.Thinking about it still makes my heart hurt.I did not know D......
This article concerns a ring property called pseudo-reduced-over-center that is satisfied by free algebras over commutat......
【Abstract】 In CLT, great emphasis is put on the teaching of language use. It aims at developing students’ communicati......
1.0 Introduction 1.1Definition In geometry, a torus is generated by revolving a circle in three-dimensional space a......
Wuhan is an interesting large city in the inland central area of China that somehow feels less modernized than China’s ......
Baoshan City is situated in the southwest of Yunnan Province, bordered by Burma in the south and northwest. Within the pr......
Diffuse large B cell lymphoma originating from the maxillary sinus with skin metastases:A case repor
BACKGROUND Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma(DLBCL)is the most common type of malignant lymphoma(ML),accounting for 30%-40%o......
<span style=“font-family:Verdana;”>Develop</span><span style=“font-family:Verdana;”><span style=“font-family:Verdan......
Tool magazine is an important part of a processing center.Tool magazines have the advantage of reducing work parts turno......
BACKGROUND Utilizing the large jumbo cup in revision total hip arthroplasty is an effective approach to cure many lacuna......
To address the growing problem of congestion, delays, and overall traffic is</span><span style=“font-family:Verdana;”>......
Result of 10 Years of Experience in Echo-Guided Kidney Biopsy Punctures in the Nephrology Department
<strong>Introduction:</strong> Percutaneous renal biopsy (PRB) is an essential procedure for the diagnosis and therapeut......
Prevalence and Associated Factors of Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) among People Living with HI
<strong>Background:</strong> Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatitis virus (HBV) coinfection are common due to ......
There is less than a decade left to accomplish the goal of ending global poverty by 2030.This paper investigates global ......
Improvement on the manipulation of a single nitrogen-vacancy spin and microwave photon at single-qua
It remains a great challenge to realize direct manipulation of a nitrogen-vacancy(NV)spin at the single-quantum level wi......
Breathing is an integrated motor behavior that is driven and controlled by a network of brainstem neurons.Zfhx4 is a zin......
2011年3/4月的Science Watch列出了2010年的热门研究论文,遗传学成为主打话题。这倒不出人意料,出人意料的是位居榜单前列的文章和以......
9月22日在东京Makuhari Messe Nippon Convention Center举办的东京电玩展,以ps3为平台的相关游戏也华丽登场,成为本届TGS最期待的游......
国内首款PMC(Personal Media Center)产品元典Enza120采用频率400MHz×Scale CPU,内置32MB FlashRAM、64MB SDRAM、3.5英寸16.7万......
瑞士电子暨微技术研究院(the Swiss Center for Electronics and Micro Technology.CSEM)主持了欧盟一个价值280万欧元的项目。这个极......
A PSII reaction center complex consisting of three polypeptides, D<sub>1</sub>, D<sub>2</sub> and Cyt. b<sub>559</sub>, ......
The relationship between formate adsorption energy and electronic properties: A first principles den
First principles density functional theory calculations have been performed for the chemisorption of formate adsorption ......
National Joint Engineering Research Center of High Performance Metal Wear Resistant Materials Techno
Founded in 2012,the National Joint Engineering Research Center of High Performance Metal Wear Resistant Materials Techno......
The interaction between the Mn-cluster and its peripheral ligands in oxygen-evolving center is still unclear. Theoretica......
Catalysis is one of the most important chemical processes for production of goods and for environmental remediation.Almo......
Michael addition of the chiral■,■-unsaturated ester 2 with furyl lithium proceeded in syn manner with excellent diaste......
Forced miR-146a expression causes autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome in mice via downregulation