Environmental education:Bringing an Indigenous Eco-justice and social justice worldview back to Reco

来源 :The Fifth Annual International Conferenceon Reciprocal Learn | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:njbbbb
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  As a Social Justice Education student,and also as a newcomer to Canada,I have found studies about the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada(TRC)and Indigenous worldview intriguing.Learning about the TRC has given me great opportunities to understand reconciliation.It also offered me an in-depth understanding of the background of colonialism and the contemporary impact of neoliberalism.This insight has helped me to articulate ways of not only rethinking education as one effective solution,but also challenging me to think of education from an Indigenous Eco-justice and social justice perspective.Thus,I would like to explore how adopting Environment Education based on the Indigenous Eco-justice and social justice can positively play a significant role in the process of reconciliation.I see this as beneficial to rebuilding the sustainable and respectful relationship between the Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities.Therefore,in this paper,I will explore 3 significant concepts that highlight the Indigenous Eco-justice and social justice perspective in the process of reconciliation: the self-determination of Indigenous communities,Indigenous womens empowerment and most significantly,Indigenous youth education.Specifically,in the third section,I will illustrate why Environmental Education towards Indigenous youth education is an effective way to practice TRCs ?calls to action on reconciliation.This can be significantly helpful to practice the Indigenous Eco-justice and social justice worldview on rebuilding the respectful and sustainable relationship between the Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities.First of all,Land-based Environmental Education can be an effective way to promote the self-determination of Indigenous communities.Secondly,Water-based Environmental Education can be a practical solution for Indigenous womens empowerment.In addition,Art-based Environmental Education can play an important role in Indigenous youth education.In doing so,I would like to explore Environmental Education,as a way of reconstructing an Indigenous Eco-justice and social justice worldview,can strengthen the reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities.
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