Assistive Technology(AT)and Its Use in Schools:A Literature Review

来源 :The Fifth Annual International Conferenceon Reciprocal Learn | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:laden167
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  This presentation aims to share with researchers and education practitioners,especially those from China,the following:1)a brief introduction to special education and the educational use of Assistive Technology(AT)in Canada,2)features of a selected number of AT devices and,3)how commonly available AT can be used toenhance student learning.The sister-school project is a major component of Xu and Connelly(2015-2020)SSHRC Partnership Grant Project,and pairs of schools from Canada and China involved in this projectorganize a variety of activities including administrators and teachers paying visits to each other,and monthlyonline meetings to learn best practice from each other.It is noted that during the communications,specialeducation was one of the topics that attract a lot of discussions.This phenomenon motivated us to present anintroduction to AT,which plays an increasingly important role in education with the fast development oftechnologies.AT is a broad term that covers not only assistive,adaptive,and rehabilitative devices for peoplewith special needs,but also the process employed in selecting,locating,and using them.AT devices can beequipment,software program,or product system that is designed to maintain,increase,or improve usersfunctional capabilities,and the use of it may enhance their learning,working,and daily living.In educationalsetting,commonly used AT often include laptop computers with specialized programs,such as speech to text,text to speech,graphic organizers and word prediction software that are utilized to assist students who havedifficulty speaking,typing,writing,remembering,pointing,seeing,hearing,etc.Based on an extensive reviewof relevant literature on AT and teaching and learning,this paper will mainly focus on the introduction to anumber of commonly available and up-to-date software programs,and suggestions on how they can be used.
This paper holds the point that teachers professional live is different from daily life and work life,and is one of the effective ways to promote professional development of teachers.Teachers profes
As part of the SSHRC partnership grant on Reciprocal Learning between Ontario,Canada and Southwest,China,we examined the commonalities and differences in secondary school Inquiry-based Teaching(IBT)in
本文通过观察中国重庆市人和街小学和加拿大温莎Talbot Trial 小学学生共同解决分数应用题,分析两国学生解决问题时运用的解题策略的异同。研究结果表明,中国学生倾向于独立解题,采用线段图法、转化法、直接列算式解决分数数学问题,聚焦题目的 数量关系,突出量的推理;加拿大学生采用的的解题策略是基于合作学习的图示法,关注问题情境,根据问题情境制定解题计划,突出质的推理。
In this paper,I present a Canadian teachers reciprocal learning narrative that has emerged on a Toronto-Shanghai Sister School partnership landscape under the support of the SSHRC funded Canada–China
选取加拿大Math Makes Sense(简写为MMS)和中国人教版两种版本的三年级小数数学教材中有关“分数的认识”为研究对象,采用内容分析法对两种版本教材中“分数的认识”内容和例题进行比较。研究结果表明:在内容上,两个版本教材所覆盖的知识范围有所不同;在单元结构方面,加拿大MMS 教材更注重板块和栏目的 设置。在例题情境方面,人教版侧重于数学内部情境,而加拿大教材的数学内部情境和个人生活情境比
As a Social Justice Education student,and also as a newcomer to Canada,I have found studies about the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada(TRC)and Indigenous worldview intriguing.Learning abo
笔者在参与“中国-加拿大教师教育和学校教育互惠学习”项目的 过程中,发现加拿大和中国的小学数学课堂都十分注重动手实践,相较而言,中国的学生数学知识相对来说掌握得比较扎实,但在小学数学课堂中学生学习知识的体验缺少了主动性与趣味性,而加拿大的小学数学课堂虽然非常注重问题的开放性、实践性与参与性,但对知识的掌握却不够扎实。针对这一情况,笔者根据David Kolb 提出的体验式学习模型,建构了“激(激发