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环境法,是指调整因保护和改善环境,防治环境污染和其他公害而产生的社会关系的法律规范的总称。我国作为成文法国家,法律体系被划分为若干法律部门。但是,不论以怎样的标准进行划分,环境法作为独立的法律部门的地位都不能动摇,这既是对30年来环境法发展成就的坚守,更是对环境法独特理念的坚守。环境法所蕴含的人与自然协调发展的“整体论”思想,要求环境、资源经济和社会可持续发展的价值取向,都与民法、行政法、经济法等部门法的法律价值 Environmental law refers to the legal norms governing social relations arising from the protection and improvement of the environment, the prevention and control of environmental pollution and other public hazards. As a written law country in our country, the legal system is divided into several legal departments. However, no matter what kind of criteria are used for division, the status of environmental law as an independent legal department can not be wavering. It is not only the adherence to the achievements of environmental law in the past 30 years, but also the adherence to the unique concept of environmental law. The “whole theory” of coordinated development of man and nature inherent in environmental law requires that the value orientation of environment, resource economy and social sustainable development are closely related to the legal value of such sub-sectors as civil law, administrative law and economic law
The positioning precision of the transmitting Chinese Area Positioning System(CAPS) is reduced due to the non-ideal distribution of the satellite constellation.
A single-element shear-coaxial combustor using gaseous hydrogen(GH2) and oxygen(GO2) was designed and hot-tested.The wall temperature was measured.The combustio
A new attitude controller is proposed for spacecraft whose actuator has variable input saturation limit. There are three identical flywheels orthogonally mounte
成绩发下来,我一脸茫然,从玩乐的酣梦中惊醒,我后悔莫及,早已泪流满面。听着耳边被风吹得“沙沙”直响的讨厌的树叶撞击声, 我的沉重的心更是有增无减,怀着失落的心情,我推开
欧洲直升机公司X3直升机已抵达美国并将开展为期1个月的美国之旅,其搭乘一架货机从法国伊斯特飞行试验中心起运并将被停放在欧直公司位于德克萨 Eurocopter X3 helicopters