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  When I ask you where is Great Britain, you might know the answer quite well. But when I ask you where is Blackpool, you might shrug your shoulders and say “no”. Where is Blackpool? How does it have such a mysterious name?
   Blackpool is not mysterious at all. It is a small coastal town lying quietly at the southeast corner of Great Britain. When we arrived at Blackpool, the weather was getting cold, and most of the marine1 activities had come to a close. Looking over the beach far away, you saw more facilities than people. This was far less glamorous2 than we imagined. The villas on the beach were so beautiful, but we saw very few tourists going in and out. Was this all the attraction of Blackpool? We were not satisfied and continued our search.
   As expected, our eyes suddenly became bright when we entered a pedestrian3 street. Out of nowhere, more tourists came into your sight. Here you found the prosperity of this tranquil4 town. Turning aside and watch thetramcars which were unique to Blackpool passing beside you, you would have a special sense of satisfaction. Several peddlers were demonstrating a dancing Micky Mouse to the passersby. It was so attractive that the children were reluctant to leave. The beauty of the town was unfolding before us little by little. The best-known monument in the town was the Iron Tower. It was built in September 1891 and completed 30 months later. The whole tower is made of iron and steel, which weight of 2586 tons. At the bottom of the tower were many entertainment facilities, including an International Standard Dancing floor. The undecorated accordion and beautiful roof made it quite unique.
   The most attractive part of Blackpool was not the beach nor the architecture, but the annual International Standard Dance competition. Dancing had penetrated5 into every aspect of the city’s life. Dancing had become an inseparable part of the small town since the unknown past. You can attend numerous dancing parties and listen to numerous pieces of dancing music. At the party, you can see young people as well as the old, skillful dancers as well as clumsy learners. People dance Tango as well as Waltz. Sometimes they might not seem so professional, but you will definitely be moved by their determination.
   Blackpool is a colorful city, especially during sunset. The golden clouds and the deep red sun made up a fascinating landscape between the sky and the earth. A couple of children were playing on the beach as if nothing exists. Who knows they will not become the candidates of tomorrow’s dancing competition?
   The night went past quickly. We couldn’t but become excited because this would not be a usual day. We followed the candidates, all carrying suitcases big and small, into the dancing floor, where the International Standard Dance competition would be opened. Participants and visitors alike were excited. We were not the exception. It is quite obvious that people were very enthusiastic about the competition. Naturally it would be fierce.
   Blackpool is a dancing town. And its pace of dancing is frequently changing. I hope it will bring more pleasure to the people.

  果不出所料,在转入一条步行街后,我们眼前突然一亮。这里的游人明显多了起来,你根本觉察不出他们是从哪里冒出来的。静谧的小城还真是别有一番繁华景象呢。再看那别具一格的有轨电车丁丁当当 地从身旁开过,一种说不出的惬意荡漾在心头。几个卖玩偶的小贩正在向行人演示会跳舞的米老鼠。小城的美丽一点点展现在我们眼前。城内最著名的建筑当属布莱克浦铁塔了。它建于1891年9月,历时两年半才完成。整个塔身全部用钢铁造成,重达2 586吨。在塔的底部有许多娱乐设施,包括一个国际标准舞池。简朴的风琴和漂亮的屋顶,使它看起来别具特色。
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